August 2023 Newsletter
Bike Park Conditions Late in the Season
Here's a little heads up for anyone squeezing the last of the bike park season. Like any heavily ridden trail, erosion is always a sure thing. Many of these trails get hammered every year and can really put the work to the riders. A lot of this has to do with the maintenance teams moving to build new trail for next season or getting ready for that white flaky stuff that falls from the sky. But mostly less experienced riders dragging brakes where they shouldn't. There's not much that can be done about these trails this late in the summer. However, there are some things you can do to prepare and prevent. Brake bumps love to loosen those axles and headset. And them darn ruts will take those pivot bolts for a spin too. Make sure you put a wrench on 'em before and during your day. Last thing....Check your brake pads. Loose trail equals burned up pads and rotors.
Goggles or Glasses
Let's face it. We pretty much all wear 'em. Most go with glasses. They're easy and protect those peepers pretty well but why don't more riders wear goggles. If you're rockin' contacts or have dry eyes in general, Goggles are the way to go. You do sacrifice a little peripheral vision but the focus on the trail is crisp and tasty. Good quality glasses are the jam for sure but what about those really dusty days of following your buddies a little too close or those of us that sweat a bit more than the rest. Goggles are under rated when it comes to trail/enduro/DH riding. Doesn't matter if you've got a full face helmet on your dome or a nice half shell. Eye protection and clarity is a must.